Swedish Lapland AiR is a cultural project aiming to build a network of artist residencies within Norrbotten, in northern Sweden. The creative programme is directed to visual artists interested in a new engaging practice. Sign up to our newsletter further down for open calls and news. 


Gideonsson/Londré - Performance residency

This years Performance Residency in Jokkmokk goes to the artistic duo Gideonsson/Londré from Kallrör, Sweden.
Their practice involves performances, installations and interventions that consist of highly regulated everyday activities, in relation to different experiences of time. 

During their stay in Jokkmokk, Gideonsson/Londré will continue their work, focusing on how a specific site, a landscape and a shared history can gather in the body. They want to experience different places in Jokkmokk municipality, but also meeting people that can deepen their knowledge regarding managing and passing on history.

Olga Golos is a conceptual visual artist mainly focused on series of sculptures and installations often in reference to boundary and transition experiences, including the border of human-shaped and natural landscape.

She is interested in what constitutes personality - how a person can simultaneously be an individual and part of a collective. She is captivated by the notion that each individual encompasses a multitude of inuences, experiences, and perspectives, simultaneously existing as an individual entity and an integral part of a larger collective.


Zeren Oruc - curator residency

Zeren Oruc is an independent curator, researcher, and dialogical artist dedicated to exploring and addressing modern issues of ecology, society, and sustainability through decolonial narratives and anti-capitalist theories. Her practice revolves around decentralized and non-hierarchical approaches rooted in long-term collaborations, with the intention of establishing an environment that fosters open conversation and care. 


Linnea Johnels is educated at Goldsmiths University and Umeå Academy of Art. She is assigned the residence in Jokkmokk based on a clear idea and connection to the place. During her residency, Linnea will follow in Carl von Linné's footsteps. "In my current work, I am looking back to some kind of beginning. Therefore, the focus is on the Lapland journey in 1732, Linné's first journey, during which his economic view of nature and categorization crystallized." The residency will take place this autumn, more information to come.

During my time at the Jokkmokk residency, I would undertake photographic and video environmental documentation for inclusion in my continued “In Possible Lands” series, while also producing a number of very temporary land art installations introducing the local landscapes to those on opposite sides of the world / where I regularly work, including US deserts, Canadian Rockies, and rainforests. 
More information to come. 

Welcome to the summer's creation at Havremagasinet! For 6 weeks from June 26 to August 3, we are creating a miniature museum with the theme of HOME. The workshop will be led by the art pedagogue in residence, Alva Höggren together with Havremagasinet's art pedagogue Lotta Enström. 


A sneak peek of Swedish Lapland AiR's open calls and opportunities: interested? Just complete the following form.

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