Swedish Lapland AiR is a cultural project aiming to build a network of artist residencies within Norrbotten, in northern Sweden. The creative programme is directed to visual artists interested in a new engaging practice. Sign up to our newsletter further down for open calls and news. 


Kristiina Mäenpää
Slow waves

As Artist in Residence, Mäenpää will work with a body of work called Slow waves, exploring the changes in geological environment and traces of ice age in bedrocks around Norrbotten area. She will work by means of analogue photographic paper and concrete castings out of the rock surface. The title of the series refers to the long temporal continuum and the slow material changes, which are expressed not only as grooves in time-worn rocks, but also as areas bordered by sea water on light-sensitive paper.

During her stay in Jokkmokk, Johnels will continue her research into Linnaeus’ work and legacy, with a focus on his journey to Lapland in 1732. She aims to understand the consequences of the Enlightenment view of nature as being made up of discrete entities and exploitable, as well as to understand alternative ways to perceive nature and knowledge. During the summer and as an extended part of the residency, Johnels hiked seven days through Badjelánnda following in Linnaeus footsteps from his journey between Huhttán/Kvikkjokk to the Norwegian coast. 

Hemmo Siponen
Patterns in Norrbotten

As Artist in Residence, Siponen will collect visual patterns of the Norrbottens nature during the autumn season, observing migratory birds and geological formations on local rocks. During his stay in Haparanda he will gather ideas and produce sketches for a body of work in the making, allowing unforeseeable properties for new paintings.

Chloë Smith
Berwick-upon-Tweed meets Norrbotten

 Whilst in Luleå I will be exploring similarities and differences between two Northern landscapes; my hometown Berwick-upon-Tweed, and Norrbotten. I am always intrigued by the smaller details that make up a place: the sights, smells and sounds that together characterise the particularities of a specific location, often these things are overlooked: not mentioned in the guidebooks or signposted on tourist routes, yet without them our experience of a place will be very different. I will spend a month immersing myself in the landscape of Norrbotten and meeting with people, and I'll use this time to inform a new piece of work that I will present at Råneå Biennale.

During my time at the Jokkmokk residency, I would undertake photographic and video environmental documentation for inclusion in my continued “In Possible Lands” series, while also producing a number of very temporary land art installations introducing the local landscapes to those on opposite sides of the world / where I regularly work, including US deserts, Canadian Rockies, and rainforests. 
More information to come. 

Welcome to the summer's creation at Havremagasinet! For 6 weeks from June 26 to August 3, we are creating a miniature museum with the theme of HOME. The workshop will be led by the art pedagogue in residence, Alva Höggren together with Havremagasinet's art pedagogue Lotta Enström. 


A sneak peek of Swedish Lapland AiR's open calls and opportunities: interested? Just complete the following form.

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